Radio Espionage

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Radio Espionage Underground Podcast with Mark Elliott is available on Alexa, Spotify, Apple, & Most Podcast Apps

- October 11, 2024 
In football, an audible is a last minute change to a planned offensive or defensive play, and that's what I've decided to do in regard to the Radio Espionage Underground podcast and my digital book, Mark Elliott's On Air, The Good, The Bad and The Fugly. However, in typical Mark Elliott fashion, I am about to over communicate why I've called an audible.

The hardest decision you'll make professionally is when to walk away from something you've dedicated the one life you were given to. In April of 1979, I embarked on a broadcasting career I never imagined. A short 43 years later in June of 2022, I decided enough was enough and semi-retired, meaning I'd work on a few projects here and there while I did my own thing which was to venture into new media. During my career, I was never out of a gig and the business consumed me seven days a week. Just about every waking moment was spent with radio on my mind. When I was coming up in the 80's and 90's, most radio pros chose to either program stations or to be an on air personality. I on the other hand was given the opportunity to do both rising to not only program multiple stations but also to thrive in morning drive. As time went on I took on even more challenges. If you read my bio, you'll get a sense for how consumed I was with radio.

What nobody prepares you for is life after career or maybe I've been reading the wrong books. My 43 year career was the definition of going balls to the wall and I wouldn't have had it any other way. I got what I wanted out of my career and was paid well enough to do it so I could walk away when the time came, hopefully with no regrets. Guess what...there are always regrets but you have no choice but to be satisfied with what you accomplished and I am. The challenge is coming down from the high of being busier than a one legged cat trying to bury shit on a frozen pond for 43 years straight. Imagine going the speed of light and slamming on the breaks coming to a complete stop. Almost immediately, the silence is deafening. Going from running airport to airport knowing when you get to a hotel there are deadlines to meet so sleep isn't an option was more fun for me than I can explain. Then there were the back to back meetings, the conference calls and the regular one on one meetings plus hours of writing reports and creating strategic plans. Through all the ups and downs, it was worth every fucking last minute of it.

The challenge is attempting to ramp back up to where you're burning the candle at both ends again so you feel like you're still relevant in the industry and to yourself. Unfortunately, as we get older, trying to serve to many masters isn't an option or is it a good idea. As I've discovered, there is something to be said for stopping to smell the roses. In short, I simply do not have the desire to continue to write or talk about radio anymore. At 65, I've been there and done that. Initially, the idea of sharing my experience and words of wisdom seemed like a cool way to wrap up a long and rewarding career but I'm going to allow myself the option of calling an audible and scrapping the book project. I think you'll have more fun figuring out on your own anyway.


- October 16, 2024 
The Radio Espionage Underground Podcast is back from hiatus. A little earlier than I had mentioned before but I wanted to get back at it ASAP once I decided on the direction I wanted to go. I explain the direction at the opening of the "Tough Love" episode so there is no need to double down by explaining it again here. Check out the episode on Alexa, Spotify, Apple and most other podcast apps and send your feedback to 

Since I have scrapped the idea of writing a book on radio programming, the least I can do is to offer a best of feature where I post an article I've written in the past for your viewing pleasure. I will kick this off on Monday, November 4th. - ME

Radio Espionage is a division of Mark Elliott Media LLC 
Los Angeles, CA 
P: (818) 259-0091
Copyright 2024